
If you want your show to sound as best as it can, then you need to plan! It doesn’t have to be a word for word script (although that might work for you too) but even just a basic idea of what you want to talk about on the show and when you want to do it. The best way to do this is by making a show running order.

The Running Order

You don’t necessarily need a to-the-second breakdown but just an order of events is handy to have. Below is an example of a running order you could use.

Tips and Tricks

As seen in the example running order, here are some tips and tricks to make your show sound slicker!


There is a good amount of production in Zetta, from IDs, sweepers, shots and beds. Using them correctly makes your show sound more professional.

<aside> 💡 Imaging can be found on the HotKey tab under _SR Station Imaging 24. There is also a shortcut to the Beds page.


Imaging 24.PNG

If you use a bed, you can either play it off the Zetta HK fader or drag and drop it into the log and fire it like you would a song.

<aside> 💡 If using a bed, listen. You may need to lower the fader so it’s lower in the mix and you’re not shouting over it.
