Create A Loop or Image

To create a show loop or image the best option is to use Canva:

You can also use ANY video editing software such as PremierPro, FCPX, AVID, etc… Please export these in the highest res but lowest file size (for example H.265 in FCPX)

Loops should be around 30 Seconds in length.

For still images, you can also use any editing software such as Photoshop.

<aside> 🖥️ Make sure your loop or image is the correct resolution for the TV (16:9, aka "widescreen")


Importing A Loop To OBS

<aside> 🔑 Please get a committee member or key holder to do this with you. (We don’t want to accidentally delete something)


Use either Internet Studio PC.

Drag and drop your loop/image into the “Studio 1 TV Branding” or “Studio 2 TV Branding” folder.


Open OBS and right-click at the bottom of the list, make sure not to right-click an existing scene.


Drag your file into the OBS scene you’ve just created.


Select the scene for it to play on the TV.

You will need to right-click the scene and make sure “loop” is selected.

<aside> 🎨 You can download Shock assets such as shock logos from the Google Drive branding folder to use on your TV backing. Click the link Below:

Show Branding & Imaging
