The following steps will show you how to play out vinyl through the system. Please follow carefully and remember that the turntable is delicate and can be easily broken.

The turntable can play 33rpm & 45rpm records. Please only use Vinyl records!

<aside> ⚠️ If a record looks damaged please don’t play it!


<aside> 📖 For more in-depth instructions consult the manual below:

Technics sl-b210 Service Manual.pdf


Cleaning The Record & Stylus

<aside> ⚠️ This Is Extra Important!


It is important that the record you are playing and the stylus are kept clean to ensure the best play-out quality and to prevent damage to the record and stylus.

<aside> 🧼 Ensure the brush is clean before using it.


Records MUST be cleaned using the following guide before they are played! This must be done each time you wish to play a record even if it looks clean or is brand new.

To clean your record place it on the turntable and set to 33rpm. Set the turntable so it spins and lightly rest the brush on the record. Don’t press down hard just lightly enough so the brush touches the record. If the turntable slows down you’re pressing too hard!


The stylus must be cleaned before your show if you wish to use the record player, or if there is visible debris on the needle. Use the small “toothbrush” style brush and move it lightly across the needle as seen below:


<aside> 🧼 The cleaning brush should be located in the exec filing cabinet.


Play-out Settings