<aside> 📖 Learn More About Zetta on the RCS website: https://www.rcsworks.com/zetta/


<aside> 📺 For more video guides we recommend Tim Lee’s Zetta Tutorials on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLG-_T9wpWN6pELq4yZP9QdYI_dRi9XhGX



Zetta Basics:

Chain Types:

Regarding music, there are two options, STOP & SEGUE.

STOP (⛔️): This stops the item after it is finished, this is used to do a link. You will need to manually fire the next element either by pressing the play icon (▶️) or the ON button on the Zetta A channel on the desk.


**SEGUE (🔀): ****This will automatically transition into the next item in the log.

<aside> 💡 You can edit the segue by using the segue editor! Use this Guide: HERE


Skip Log Items:

To skip a log item simply check the box next to the item under the “Skip” column.


The log item will grey out.

Delete Log Items

To delete a log item select the item (Shift Select for multiple items) then SHIFT + DELETE
