Shock will not tolerate any forms of; Bullying, harassment, sexual harassment, sexual violence, discrimination, domestic abuse, stalking, physical violence, microaggressions, racism, homophobia, transphobia, Intentional misgendering, Intentional dead-naming and hate crime.

Shock Help & Wellbeing

Shock wants all of its members to feel same and comfortable during their time at the University Of Salford and Shock. If you feel uncomfortable, need support or wish to report a member of the society please contact our Wellbeing & Inclusivity Office: Adelle Davies.

<aside> ✉️ Adelle Davies - [email protected]


<aside> 🚨 Please note: Shock is required to pass information on to the University Of Salford Student’s Union when reporting members.


<aside> 🚨 The committee with the final vote from the Chairperson retains the right to remove someone from the society with the approval of the SU, with evidence of why this person should be removed. More information on this can be found under:

Constitution & SU Affiliation > (3) Membership > Point D.


<aside> 🚨 If you wish to report or remove a member of the committee please see:

Constitution & SU Affiliation > (4) The Committee > (4b) Removal of Committee Members and By-Elections > Point A.


<aside> 🚨 If you have any issues/complaints about Shock please see:

Committee Meeting Agenda/Notes, Election Documents & Complaints


Student Union Help

Below are some of the services that the University Of Salford Student’s Union offer. These can be used along-side Shock support or if you feel uncomfortable contacting Shock wellbeing.

Report + Support

We believe that bullying, harassment, sexual harassment, sexual violence, discrimination, domestic abuse, stalking, physical violence, racism, microaggressions and hate crime are never OK. Anyone can report something here. It is important to speak up so that we can act on it and support you. If your situation is an emergency or you are in danger, please report the incident to Security by ringing 0161 295 3333 and/ or the Police on 999 (for emergencies) or 101 for non emergencies BEFORE you use Report & Support. Please be aware that reports from colleagues about themselves or other colleagues, will be passed to HR.- University Of Salford Student’s Union

<aside> 🚨 Report + Support:


USSU Advice Centre

The USSU Advice Centre is here to provide you with non-judgmental, independent, impartial, confidential academic advice. - University Of Salford Student’s Union

<aside> 👋 USSU Advice Centre:


Rafiki Peer Support

Rafiki is the Students' Union's peer support listening service, led by students, for students. If you're experiencing any problems while you're at university, you can talk to our student volunteers who offer peer support. They can also signpost you to support services on campus or externally which can help. Rafiki offers an online live chat drop-in service - to chat to a volunteer, just click on the green button (this appears during the opening times). We also offer phone and video call appointments if you would prefer to speak to a volunteer in this way.